Health hazards resulting from Sand Blasting

Sandblasting is an act of cleansing or etching the surface of materials rapidly. As sand acts as one of the propelling agent so it is termed as sand blasting.

In this method dust gets inhaled into the lungs which give rise to a lung disease called silicosis. In Sandblasting, steamed air under highpressure is used to hit a series of abrasive particles onto a surface, mainly silica sand. People involved In Sand Blasting are always under threat of Silicosis. This is very serious and incurable disease. The root cause of Silicosisis mainly the long term inhalation of the dust created by sand.It normally breaks up into fine particles and becomes a part of air gradually inhaled. Since these silica particles cannot be seen people are often unaware of such health hazard.Silica is a compound which results through the combination of silicon and oxygen. When Silica particles gets mixed into the air and inhaled by people, it stops their lungs from breathing oxygen from the blood. Learn how to prevent silicosis during sandblasting here.

Due to this threatening impact onhealth, users are now opting for otherchoices such as steel grit, copper slag, walnut shells, powdered abrasives, even bits of coconut shell. In the process, sandblasting is also checked and monitored by, using an alternate air supply, protective coat, and sufficient ventilation.The use of crystalline silica for sandblast cleaning operations was already banned in England in 1950 which was later on followed by the other European countries.


How to protect yourself from Silicosis in Sandblasting

These are few precautionary measures to prevent from Silicosis.

  • Prevention is better than cure, they say so prevent you from inhaling the dust comprising silica during sand blasting.
  • Ask the sand blasting companies to provide adequate respiratory protection such as a type CE Abrasive Blasting Respirator during such sand blasting campaign to the whole unit of laborers.Equipment regarding respiratory protection should be provided on the spot to the people involved in sand blasting.
  • There should be an efficient dust control system in industries tocontrol dust containing free crystalline silica
  • Look for alternativeabrasives. Try to opt for materials other than sand such as Specular Hematite, Blasting Cullet, slag, or steel grit etc. Minimize the chances of getting trapped into silicosis.
  • Pour some water to wet the material surfaces before starting the work. Water avoids crystalline Silica in dusts getting mixed into air which in turns get inhaled by the people working there.
  • Avoid eating habits near the sand blasting location or site .Eating, drinking, or smoking near sandblasting operations greatly increases the chances of crystalline Silica inhalation.
  • Wash your face and hands before eating. Always take bath after work.
  • Keep a separate wardrobe for working in such areas. Do not allow others to come in contact with your clothes.
  • Have a regular medical checkup of yourself.
  • Create awareness among other workers to follow the precautionary guidelines because awareness is in our hands .The more we create awareness, the less we create chances of silicosis.

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